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On Purpose
with Christopher Kent, DC, JD
& Patrick Gentempo, DC
A monthly audio series for the chiropractic profession focused on the topics you NEED to know in Science, Politics, and Philosophy
- Get the LATEST political news and scientific research and case studies in chiropractic in under two hours a month
- Hear the latest PROVEN METHODS in practice growth, patient communication, and chiropractic philosophy in just an hour a month
- Receive it directly to your SMARTPHONE so that you can listen on YOUR SCHEDULE
- Be CERTAIN you are receiving relevant, correct, and best information available, without the headache of researching
- UNDERSTAND the current and future implications for chiropractic for all the stories
IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE today with On Purpose’s monthly audio series. Learn the methods, skills, and knowledge you NEED to provide the best care for your patients and build the practice of your DREAMS.
In a dream world, you have the resources to do everything! You can schedule your day to focus on only things that matter to you and always be on the top of your game.
Buttttt, in reality that’s not how it works is it?
In the real world, you have patients to care for, staff to manage, an office to run, and that’s just in your profession world, that doesn’t even include all your responsibilities at home.
Before you know it everyday is jammed packed with tasks to do and there is no time to read and understand the ever increasing scientific advancements, the constant changes in the political landscape, and locate the meaningful and proven practice growth methods from the thousands touted on social media.
But all those things matter! They all MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your patient care, your office efficiency and performance, and the future of chiropractic.
Sounds perfect right?
Just the solution that you NEED to advance your practice!
Butttt, how much does it cost?
I strive to provide fellow chiropractors with the latest, most relevant, and impactful
information every month so that you can be CERTAIN in practice.
The total value of an On Purpose membership is: $600/year but….
You can get started on your path to success RIGHT NOW and SAVE 20%!

Why STRUGGLE to do everything alone, when we could do it together….
I’m Christopher Kent, DC, JD and I created On Purpose out of my own passion for chiropractic over 20 years ago.
I have devoted my life to advocating for the future of chiropractic including being elected Chair of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Health Committee, the first chiropractor to hold that office, as well as being an attorney member of the California bar.
I believe being an attorney as well as a chiropractor provides me an unique advantage as I not only understand the science and philosophy of chiropractic, but I can determine the many impacts of new legislation, case law, and any other political changes on the chiropractic profession now and in the future. All of which is shared with my listeners every month.
I am committed to developing improved clinical strategies and securing the future of chiropractic. My ability to integrate the philosophy, politics, and science of chiropractic is legendary.

Why STRUGGLE to do everything alone, when we could do it together….
I’m Christopher Kent, DC, JD and I created On Purpose out of my own passion for chiropractic over 20 years ago.
I have devoted my life to advocating for the future of chiropractic including being elected Chair of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Health Committee, the first chiropractor to hold that office, as well as being an attorney member of the California bar.
I believe being an attorney as well as a chiropractor provides me an unique advantage as I not only understand the science and philosophy of chiropractic, but I can determine the many impacts of new legislation, case law, and any other political changes on the chiropractic profession now and in the future. All of which is shared with my listeners every month.
I am committed to developing improved clinical strategies and securing the future of chiropractic. My ability to integrate the philosophy, politics, and science of chiropractic is legendary.

Listen to Drs. Kent & Gentempo discuss why they started On Purpose, what On Purpose provides for you and your practice every month, and overwhelming reasons why you NEED to become a member TODAY!
The Power of Being On Purpose
On Purpose is monthly audio series that focuses on the
most important topics to the chiropractic profession.
New research is being released every week with new findings, updated results, and case studies surrounding the effects of Chiropractic care. This information is prioritized and reviewed each month in On Purpose. When placed in your hands, it can spread awareness of the power of Chiropractic throughout your community.
The profession is under constant regulation, both from a health care standpoint as well as from an aesthetic one. It's essential to know the goings-on in the United States and abroad when it comes to the growth of Chiropractic. On Purpose gives you the information you need to sustain the momentum that the profession is building throughout the world.
If you're a Chiropractor, the reasons you get up in the morning are beyond just that of owning your own business and making money. The impact you have on your community and the world at large are often hard to approach and grasp, yet it's one that every Chiropractor must face. In On Purpose we explore this responsibility and the many ways that our impact can be felt throughout our communities.
Truthfully, do you have a foundation comprises of sustainable methods, skills, and knowledge that IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE everyday? And by sustainable, I don’t mean the latest practice growth fads or patient communication trends you constantly find on the internet. I mean sustainable methods, skills, and knowledge that are based on scientific research and proven techniques from industry leaders.
It’s time to invest in a resource that will provide you with this KNOWLEDGE, these METHODS, and the CERTAINTY so that you can IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE and build it into the practice of your dreams!
Each month the Politics section focuses on the latest political legislation, landscape changes, and general health information.
- POLITICAL LEGISLATION from around the country is reviewed and interpreted so that you can be aware of the changes that are happening. Even if the change isn’t in your state, it doesn’t mean it won’t be in the future, know what the implications are for your practice and how you should react.
- GENERAL HEALTH so much of the everyday of a chiropractic office includes not only chiropractic specific information, but also general health information including the latest studies on obesity, the opioid crisis, and overall health and wellness. Make sure you have a well-rounded knowledge base to provide your patients with the best care and become your community expert on health.
- POLITICAL LANDSCAPE changes are crucial to the future of your practice and you as an individual. The outcomes in case law around the country determine the future of your freedom of choice, redefine legal terms and standards, and can carry deep implications for your practice. Know what you can do to protect your rights and your future.
- EXPERT ANALYSIS is given so that you will always know what the effects and implications are for you, your patients, your community, and of course the future of chiropractic. Never be left wondering why is this important again.
Each month the Science section focuses on breaking down and analyzing the most recent chiropractic research and case studies available.
- CASE STUDIES are reviewed so that you can learn the patient symptom fact patterns, what assessments the practitioner performed, and ultimately what the treatment given. Understanding case studies helps to build your clinical knowledge base so you will know what care is best for your patients.
- RESEARCH ARTICLES are discussed and interpreted making sure that you always know the latest information. Always have something to discuss with your patients keeping them engaged with care, new ideas and topics for community outreach programs, and be able to confidently answer patient questions.
- EXPERT ANALYSIS is given so that you will always know what the effects and implications are for you, your patients, your community, and of course the future of chiropractic. Never be left wondering why is this important again.
Each month the Philosophy section welcomes a different thought provoking industry leader.
- PROVEN METHODS for practice growth are discussed to help you build the practice of your dreams. Learn how the industry leaders built and sustained their successful practices and how implementing these methods can IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE.
- Proven methods for PATIENT COMMUNICATION are discussed to help you ensure you are sharing the chiropractic message in ways that your patients will be able to understand and connect with. Meeting your patients where they are will help them receive the best care possible.
- CHIROPRACTIC, reconnect with why you decided to become a chiropractor. Hear other’s stories and insights into their patient care and keep igniting your passion for your practice.
It means you will be
- Armed with the LATEST scientific research and political changes to use as the foundation of a sustainable practice
- Equipped with PROVEN METHODS for practice growth that you can implement now
- Never be left wondering WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
- CERTAIN you know the most relevant and impactful information without the headache of research and interpreting it yourself
- Able to IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE and build it into the practice of your dreams
Ready To Ignite Your Practice?
pssst: Don’t just take my word for it,
Read what our listeners are saying about On Purpose!
“Thanks Dr Kent. Been listening every practice morning since they were tapes. You guys keep getting better, too. Thanks for helping me to keep up with the new stuff, it certainly adds confidence to my work.”
George Rhodes, DC
“If you don’t subscribe to Dr. Kent’s On Purpose program, as well as into his AST and Stroke and other programs… you’re missing out on some of the most pure and impactful content in this profession.”
Dr. Tony Ebel, Premier Wellness Chiropractic
I have been long time On Purpose listener. Each month I truly look forward to getting my monthly CD’s not only to keep me ‘plugged in’ onto the science, politics and philosophy of our great Chiropractic profession, but also to hear new ideas of what other fellow Chiropractors are doing to get our valuable message out to the public. Many of our procedures and practices that have kept me in Chiropractic for over 30 years I have ‘stolen’ from other DC’s that shared these ideas on On Purpose. I know I have felt that I was alone in practice and that only my hometown, practice and office had these certain problems. However because of On Purpose I know that I am not alone. Those words give me comfort.
Dr. Dale Rollette
I am writing to recommend one of the best investments you can make in your practice. Every month you may listen to 3 hours of Science, Philosophy and Politics that affect your practice. The first hour is Science. Dr. Christopher Kent spends an enormous amount of time and money searching research journals to bring you the most up to date research that supports the chiropracTOR. It would take you numerous hours to even obtain a fraction of these scientific papers. The second hour is Politics. The title may be misleading as it many times covers scientific articles regarding vaccine safety. Also on this hour are speakers that cover a wide variety of topics including doing health screenings, public education, scientific subluxation evaluation, etc. The third hour is Philosophy. These interviews are usually with some of the most successful chiropractors in the world sharing their passion for chiropracTIC.
Join me as a subscriber.
J. Richard Burns D.C., D.Ph.C.S.
“OP has many benefits to my practice. I have excitement for each month to see what is the latest with research on Chiropractic and on health in general, what are latest developments in terms of politics and hearing from mastermind docs and business leaders in the profession during the philosophy section. I share highlights with my staff to help them remember why we serve, and then we use OP to keep our monthly newsletters to our practice members up-to-date and meaningful, as well as update our reception room’s slideshow on the TV with the best information. Love it!”
Dr. Timothy J. Murzycki, D.C., C.C.W.P., Cornerstone Family Chiropractic, Inc.
“I believe that Dr. Christopher Kent not only knows so much more about the entire subluxation complex, its causes, effects and how to deal with them as anyone alive today. but more importantly he has the ability to take extremely complex and difficult concepts and boil them down to something so simple and easy that even mere mortals like you and I can understand.
If Dr. Kent is teaching a class on subluxation I am going to be there and if we are to take our rightful place as the recognized leaders of a true health care system worldwide we all need to be on these calls”
Russ Rosen, DC, Rosen Coaching, Maui, HI
….. is On Purpose right for me?
Do you want to be able to confidently answer your patient’s questions with the newest information?
Grow your clinical knowledge and provide better patient care?
Have new material for monthly community outreach efforts?
Learn time proven practice growth and patient communication methods?
….and how do I solve these problems with On Purpose?
Being confident in your practice shows! You will attract and retain more patients when you are CONFIDENT. Build your clinical knowledge every month through the review and analysis of the latest case studies and scientific research available.
Be CERTAIN you are getting the latest scientific research and political legislation and landscape changes on a monthly basis so that you can be armed with the proven methods, skills, and knowledge you need to connect with your profession, your patients, your community, and build the practice of your dreams.
Learn from one of the most TRUSTED AND RESPECTED in chiropractic, me, Dr. Christopher Kent, DC, JD. In addition to being a chiropractor, I am also an attorney. I have UNIQUE AND EXPERT knowledge of the profession and it’s future. I am able to understand and interpret not only the newest scientific research but also the latest political legislation and landscape changes so that you will be prepared in practice.
Learn, not only from me, but from INDUSTRY LEADERS every month. Hear PROVEN METHODS for practice growth and patient communication that you can implement in your practice. Gain not only ideas but reconnect with chiropractic and ensure you are giving your patients the best care.
A little bit more about me….
Chiropractic is my purpose, my passion, and my profession. I work everyday to preserve it’s rightful place as leader in the healing arts. Learning from me will give you the knowledge, the methods, and the confidence to spread the chiropractic message throughout your community and ensure the future of chiropractic.

Sounds perfect right?
Just the solution that you NEED to advance your practice!
You can get started on your path to success RIGHT NOW and SAVE 20%!
Can you recap what's included in the monthly series?
I know that was a lot! So let’s recap.
The monthly releases include
- The LATEST political news, scientific research and case studies in chiropractic in under two hours a month
- PROVEN METHODS in practice growth, patient communication, and chiropractic philosophy in just an hour a month
- Access directly from your SMARTPHONE so that you can listen on YOUR SCHEDULE
- CERTAINTY that you are receiving relevant, correct, and best information available, without the headache of researching
- EXPERT ANALYSIS so you can understand the current and future implications for chiropractic for all the stories
- What your need to IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE and built it into the practice of your dreams
What's the price and is it worth the investment?
Let’s take a closer look at the numbers. We secured a special discount for you, 20% off your annual On Purpose Silver membership! That means you get a whole year of audios for just $480. That’s just $40/monthly audio release. Since, the average income for an adjustment is $44, this means you need just 1 additional adjustment per month to cover your annual On Purpose Silver membership.
Now, I know there is a lot of free information available on the internet if you just search for it. But, we all know time is money and researching, reading, and understanding the implications on chiropractic now and for the future, takes time. And let’s be serious who has the time to dedicate to researching the endless amounts of new scientific research, political legislation, and practice growth methods. Not mention, you miss out on the EXPERT ANALYSIS and CERTAINTY that you are getting the most relevant, proven, and impactful information available.
So YES, the On Purpose membership is definitely worth it! I am confident you will be able to use the information you learn from On Purpose to IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE and see results.
Do you have a money back guarantee?
YES! If you are not completely satisfied with your investment in the On Purpose program…if your CONFIDENCE, CERTAINTY, AND EXCITMENT for what you do hasn’t been seriously elevated, then let us know within 30 days of the date of your purchase and we will promptly give you a full refund and cancel the rest of your membership.
How do I access the audios?
To access the audios, you will need to install the On Purpose Android or Apple smartphone app. To download the app, please search “ChiroOnPurpose” in the Apple App Store or Google Play. You will create your username and password during checkout.
Some of the great features of the app include:
- LISTENING OFFLINE. Download the tracks when you are connected to a WiFi network, and then listen to them without an internet connection
- KEYWORD SEARCH. Remember hearing something, but can’t remember what track or month, use the keyword search function to find the track and listen
- PUSH NOTIFICATIONS. Never miss a month. You will receive a push notification as soon as a new month is available
What if I am just starting out in practice?
On Purpose is a great solution for chiropractors just starting out. The program helps build your confidence, certainty, and knowledge base.
The case studies reviewed in science will help you understand a set of patient facts and how other practitioners assessed and treated them. The research article reviews will keep you current with the new information available so that you are practicing with and giving your patients the newest information.
The politics section will make sure that you know of any regulation changes that might effect your practice and the future of chiropractic.
In philosophy you will hear proven methods from industry leaders that made their practices successful. You will hear methods in practice growth, patient communication, and overall chiropractic philosophy that you can implement IGNITE YOUR PRACTICE.
What if I have been in practice for a while?
It doesn’t matter whether you are new to practice or a long time practitioner, there is new SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, POLITICAL CHANGES, and PROVEN PRACTICE METHODS, that effect the future of chiropractic and the care that you give your patients, being released everyday. Remaining current with all this information is key to continuing to have a successful practice.
- Patients know more and ASK MORE QUESTIONS now than ever before, make sure you know all the latest information so you can be ready when they start asking the tough questions.
- Due to new political legislation and landscape changes, the FUTURE OF CHIROPRACTIC is evolving right before our eyes. Knowing what is happening and getting involved will ensure a secure future for the profession that we all love so much.
- Finally, take time to RECONNECT WITH CHIROPRACTIC and hear inspiring patient care stories and proven methods for patient communication and practice growth from industry leaders.
There is SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, every month, on On Purpose.
What if I have questions not covered here?
No problem! You can email us anytime at Our office hours are Monday – Friday 10am to 4 pm. We work to get back to you within 24 hours, and most of the time it will be less.
What is the cancellation policy?
You may cancel your membership at anytime. Your membership access will remain active for the remaining days of your payment cycle.
Sounds perfect right?
Just the solution that you NEED to advance your practice!
You can get started on your path to success RIGHT NOW and SAVE 20%!
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