April’s Key Insights
As always, the audios are packed with too much exciting, informative, and groundbreaking information for everything to be listed. Be sure to check out the monthly audio to hear it all!
Politics: ACC/RAC 2018 review & the use of Subluxation terminology, how ageism and age-related beliefs can impact dementia occurrences, virus shedding increased with flu vaccination, rates of OTC drug misuse, personality traits that increase your lifespan, and much, much more!
Philosophy: Barbara Loe Fisher from the National Vaccine Information Center. Hear her engaging conversation about the history of public policy that has created the foundation for today’s vaccination policies as well as the individual’s eroding right to choose, the disappearing notion of informed consent, the NVIC’s fight to preserve vaccine exemptions, and hear how you can get involved right in your own community!
Remember when you are On Purpose, you are not alone!